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Read about Renagel.

The safety and efficacy of Renagel has not been established in pediatric patients.

In all of the studies.the main measure of effectiveness was the change in blood phosphate levels between the start and the end of treatment.

Sevelamer is used to lower high blood phosphorus (phosphate) levels in patients who are on dialysis due to severe kidney disease. Dialysis removes some phosphate from your blood.but it is difficult to remove enough to keep your phosphate levels balanced. Decreasing blood phosphate levels purchase renagel dosage help keep your bones strong.prevent unsafe buildup of minerals in your body.and possibly decrease the risk of heart disease and strokes that can result from high phosphate levels. Sevelamer works by holding onto phosphate from the diet so that it can pass out of your body.

Renagel is not absorbed and may affect the bioavailability of other medicinal products. When administering any medicinal product where a reduction in the bioavailability could have a clinically significant effect on safety or efficacy.the medicinal product should be administered at least one hour before or three hours after Renagel.or the physician should consider monitoring blood levels.

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